Although companies are capable of increasing revenue, their problem is that they lose part of this income due to ineffective risk management, particularly in relation to development of new product:

1. Lower revenue after introduction of a product onto the market compared to the revenue planned in the project, due to lower sales, lower realised price, delayed introduction onto the market by one to two years.
2. Higher costs for a new product due to incorrect design, high additional costs due to poor quality in processes and high costs for warranty servicing.
3. Poor return on investments into the new project compared to estimates, prolonged development time, high percentage of delayed projects and extended delays in relation launch of production.
4. Higher investments due to alterations to prototype samples, additional wage costs.

Up to 70% of these consequences originate during the development process.

Risk management

Design methodology focused on designing robust products and the related processes, which are resistant to the negative effects of planned and unforeseeable threats. The methodology teaches how to apply this knowledge during product development and the related processes for prevention, detection and mitigation of risks. How to manage development projects from the aspect of risks, how to develop risk management in technical and development divisions within the company as managerial and executive topics.


Risk management academy programme structure

1. Risk management
2. Existential risk management
3. Product design to Risk
4. Project Risk management